Whiffles the Wonder Pig's Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Headshots Skill Time Ratio (Kills vs. All Deaths)
2621 1230 143 390 1248 28h 40m 17s  65.62%


Whiffles the Wonder Pig's Favorite Weapons
Weapon Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. M60 MG 2346  89.51%
2. ANM14 Fire Nade 140  5.34%
3. Knife 75  2.86%
4. MM1 Grenade Launcher 13  0.50%
5. Knife Throw 11  0.42%
6. M4 10  0.38%
7. M4 203 Nade 9  0.34%
8. RPG 8  0.31%
9. SMOHG92 Frag Nade 2  0.08%
10. Micro Uzi 2  0.08%
11. AK74 Stab 1  0.04%
12. M590 Shottie Butt 1  0.04%
13. M590 Shottgun 1  0.04%
14. SOCOM Head Smash 1  0.04%
15. ANM14 Fire Nade Rolled 1  0.04%


Whiffles the Wonder Pig 's Favorite Targets
Victim # Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. soul=assasin 71  2.71%
2. THRASHMAN 67  2.56%
3. Xathor 66  2.52%
4. yman 62  2.37%
5. <*CP*>!nS@!n0 54  2.06%
6. zilverkees 53  2.02%
7. =*UGM*=coPPer 45  1.72%
8. Ru']['less 40  1.53%
9. Etown 40  1.53%
10. ><[Keops]><*[fmt] 31  1.18%