intimidator's Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Headshots Skill Time Ratio (Kills vs. All Deaths)
904 1836 50 158 -982 36h 49m 09s  32.40%


intimidator's Favorite Weapons
Weapon Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. M4 568  62.83%
2. M60 MG 193  21.35%
3. M4 203 Nade 53  5.86%
4. MM1 Grenade Launcher 26  2.88%
5. MP5 21  2.32%
6. ANM14 Fire Nade 16  1.77%
7. SIG551 14  1.55%
8. M590 Shottgun 7  0.77%
9. MSG90A1 Sniper Rifle 2  0.22%
10. SOCOM 2  0.22%
11. SMOHG92 Frag Nade 1  0.11%
12. M3A1 SMG 1  0.11%


intimidator 's Favorite Targets
Victim # Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. <*CP*>FlamingSphincter 25  2.77%
2. -=Br@inless=- 18  1.99%
3. yman 17  1.88%
4. soul=assasin 16  1.77%
5. *SnowFlake* 15  1.66%
6. <*CP*>!nS@!n0 15  1.66%
7. <*CP*>RCPlayland 15  1.66%
8. zilverkees 14  1.55%
9. jbell 14  1.55%
10. invisibleelephant><[fmt] 11  1.22%