The Eagle's Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Headshots Skill Time Ratio (Kills vs. All Deaths)
791 1366 12 162 -587 24h 30m 53s  36.47%


The Eagle's Favorite Weapons
Weapon Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. M60 MG 733  92.67%
2. M4 28  3.54%
3. MP5 20  2.53%
4. M4 203 Nade 6  0.76%
5. MSG90A1 Sniper Rifle 3  0.38%
6. Knife Throw 1  0.13%


The Eagle 's Favorite Targets
Victim # Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. THRASHMAN 25  3.16%
2. Maverick 19  2.40%
3. rogue 15  1.90%
4. Diamond 15  1.90%
5. Silenthawk 14  1.77%
6. Sargento Rocko 14  1.77%
7. D.V. 14  1.77%
8. -=GarbageOrangutan=- 14  1.77%
9. Etown 14  1.77%
10. Widowmaker 13  1.64%