Ex-Total_Rookie's Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Headshots Skill Time Ratio (Kills vs. All Deaths)
573 982 4 143 -413 18h 45m 24s  36.75%


Ex-Total_Rookie's Favorite Weapons
Weapon Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. M60 MG 408  71.20%
2. MP5 80  13.96%
3. MSG90A1 Sniper Rifle 33  5.76%
4. M590 Shottgun 27  4.71%
5. M4 8  1.40%
6. ANM14 Fire Nade 8  1.40%
7. SIG551 7  1.22%
8. M4 203 Nade 1  0.17%
9. Silver Talon 1  0.17%


Ex-Total_Rookie 's Favorite Targets
Victim # Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. elias wba 12  2.09%
2. -=]!BlueMaxx![=- 11  1.92%
3. Ripper 11  1.92%
4. Sargento Rocko 10  1.75%
5. DEADLY SIN 10  1.75%
6. ><[Gonzo]><*[fmt]* 9  1.57%
7. -=Col Sanders=- 8  1.40%
8. 2 MIDGETZ U.K 8  1.40%
9. <*CP*>HITMAN 26 8  1.40%
10. SNIPER 8  1.40%