Cali Kuruption's Statistics
# Kills # Deaths # Suicides Headshots Skill Time Ratio (Kills vs. All Deaths)
1299 844 30 253 425 21h 05m 12s  59.78%


Cali Kuruption's Favorite Weapons
Weapon Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. M4 974  74.98%
2. MP5 129  9.93%
3. M4 203 Nade 79  6.08%
4. MM1 Grenade Launcher 38  2.93%
5. ANM14 Fire Nade 18  1.39%
6. M60 MG 14  1.08%
7. M590 Shottgun 12  0.92%
8. MSG90A1 Sniper Rifle 10  0.77%
9. Knife 10  0.77%
10. SMOHG92 Frag Nade 5  0.38%
11. RPG 3  0.23%
12. Knife Throw 3  0.23%
13. M1911-A1 Head Smash 2  0.15%
14. M1911-A1 2  0.15%


Cali Kuruption 's Favorite Targets
Victim # Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. Avatar 48  3.70%
2. Sargento Rocko 29  2.23%
3. $-killz 28  2.16%
4. <*CP*>SlipperyMermaid 28  2.16%
5. D.V. 26  2.00%
6. NI5MO_5N1P3R 25  1.92%
7. -=Bezerkers=- Duke 22  1.69%
8. Holshy 22  1.69%
9. Hawkeye 20  1.54%
10. Ur ExGirlFrienD(fr) 20  1.54%