W e l c o m e

Welcome to The Cyberplant official website.
Use the menu to the left to navigate, and enjoy your stay.

Questions? Comments? Email me.

The Cyberplant game server and website is dedicated to the memory of Kyle P. Stock. May he Rest in Peace.


O c t o b e r    
<*CP*>Messiah (Platinum)    
<*CP*>SMOKE MAN (Platinum)    
<*CP*>B.B. (Platinum)    

A u g u s t   S e p t e m b e r
<*CP*>Messiah (Platinum) <*CP*>Messiah (Platinum)
<*CP*>BB (Platinum) <*CP*>RC Playland (Platinum)
<*CP*>ShockAndAwe (Platinum) <*CP*>BB (Platinum)
Sandman Logan5 (Gold)    
Vercetti (Silver)    
<*CP*>BB (UT2004) (Gold)

J u n e   J u l y
GS***BB (Platinum) -=Messiah=- (Platinum)
-=Messiah=- (Platinum) GS***BB (Platinum)
ShockAndAwe (Platinum) Killer2 (Platinum)
Sandman Logan5 (Gold) Sandman Logan5 (Gold)
-=ArchAngel=- (Gold)    
GS***BB (UT2004) (Gold)

A p r i l   M a y
Pooper (Platinum) GS***BB (Platinum)
Messiah (Platinum) <*CP*> SF Blade (Platinum)
Felix (Platinum) Sandman Logan5 (Gold)
GS***BB (Platinum) Sandman Jessica (Gold)
<*CP*>Doc Holliday (Platinum) <*CP*> RCPlayland (Silver)
Etown (Gold)
Sandman Logan5 (Gold)
Sandman Jessica (Gold)
<*CP*>SF Blade (Gold)
-=Stealth=- (Gold)

F e b r u a r y   M a r c h
<*CP*> Insano (Platinum) GS***BB (Platinum)
-8- Anti-Social (Platinum) Messiah (Platinum)
<*CP*> SF Blade (Platinum) =Doc=Holiday= (Platinum)
    <*CP*> SF Blade (Platinum)
    <*CP*> RCPlayland (Platinum)