W e l c o m e |
Welcome to The Cyberplant official website. Use the menu to the left to navigate, and enjoy your stay. Questions? Comments? Email me. |
The Cyberplant game server and website is dedicated to the memory of Kyle P. Stock. May he Rest in Peace. |
O c t o b e r | ||||
<*CP*>Messiah | (Platinum) | |||
<*CP*>SMOKE MAN | (Platinum) | |||
<*CP*>B.B. | (Platinum) | |||
A u g u s t | S e p t e m b e r | |||
<*CP*>Messiah | (Platinum) | <*CP*>Messiah | (Platinum) | |
<*CP*>BB | (Platinum) | <*CP*>RC Playland | (Platinum) | |
<*CP*>ShockAndAwe | (Platinum) | <*CP*>BB | (Platinum) | |
Sandman Logan5 | (Gold) | |||
Vercetti | (Silver) | |||
<*CP*>BB (UT2004) | (Gold) | |||
J u n e | J u l y | |||
GS***BB | (Platinum) | -=Messiah=- | (Platinum) | |
-=Messiah=- | (Platinum) | GS***BB | (Platinum) | |
ShockAndAwe | (Platinum) | Killer2 | (Platinum) | |
Sandman Logan5 | (Gold) | Sandman Logan5 | (Gold) | |
-=ArchAngel=- | (Gold) | |||
GS***BB (UT2004) | (Gold) | |||
A p r i l | M a y | |||
Pooper | (Platinum) | GS***BB | (Platinum) | |
Messiah | (Platinum) | <*CP*> SF Blade | (Platinum) | |
Felix | (Platinum) | Sandman Logan5 | (Gold) | |
GS***BB | (Platinum) | Sandman Jessica | (Gold) | |
<*CP*>Doc Holliday | (Platinum) | <*CP*> RCPlayland | (Silver) | |
Etown | (Gold) | |||
Sandman Logan5 | (Gold) | |||
Sandman Jessica | (Gold) | |||
<*CP*>SF Blade | (Gold) | |||
-=Stealth=- | (Gold) |
F e b r u a r y | M a r c h | |||
<*CP*> Insano | (Platinum) | GS***BB | (Platinum) | |
-8- Anti-Social | (Platinum) | Messiah | (Platinum) | |
<*CP*> SF Blade | (Platinum) | =Doc=Holiday= | (Platinum) | |
<*CP*> SF Blade | (Platinum) | |||
<*CP*> RCPlayland | (Platinum) |